In November I wrote this blog post about
pimping my memoir and since then I've been working to get
Through Eyes Like Mine into people's hands. I've participated in
readings in Bend, Portland and Los Angeles. I've spoken with book clubs, received my first fan mail and had wonderful conversations with people about the book. It hasn't been easy and I haven't done it alone. The support I've gotten from family and friends has been phenomenal. There are so many great people out there getting the word out on the book and I want to honor some of them because it's hard out there for a pimp.

Everyone who reviewed the book on Amazon, Goodreads and Powells and the many others who sent me messages about the book.
Hazel Witham, who wakes up early every school day to write with me, who edits and provides feedback AND generously pimped my book to her many family and friends for the holidays.
Friends in Bend and Portland who supported my first readings at Old St. Francis School and Everyday Wine.
Leah Mackenzie who interviewed me
an article in the Examiner.
Emerson Middle School colleagues who continue to share Through Eyes Like Mine online, (thanks Diane and Caren) who showed up for our book club some of you twice, (thanks Meghan) and Michele and Heather who chose the book for their book club so they've discussed the book ad nauseum.
My Webster Middle School peeps who invited me to their book club (thanks, Alma) and even hung around during their conference periods to talk memoir.
The Rhapsodomancy Reading series, who hosted me at The Good Luck Bar (Thanks, Wendy) and all the Angelenos who came out to the event.
Jeff who invited
me to talk on CSDHTV with his students and is including TELM on his syllabus.
Hippocampus and
Specter who published excerpts of my work in their literary magazines.
Jordan, who paired my book with a tasty Pinot Noir on her blog,
This Girl Walks Into a Bar.
Katrina at
KJP Creations who is making upcoming readings in Portland happen.
My parents: big pimpin'. |
My extended family, Ron and Ruth for spreading the word among the Nakadas, and Aunt Bev on the Barry side.
Yukiko, my big sister who is responsible for my wide international following (so many people in China have read my book, and there are a lot of people in China).
Chet, and Mitch for continuing to support the book with friends and family.
My husband, David who has put up with me working two jobs, handles all shipments and event sales, and has made many teachers at Brentwood Science Magnet buy my book.
But the biggest pimps of TELM are definitely my parents. They not only allowed me to write all about how they raised me, but then they encouraged people to buy the book! Thanks, Mom and Dad! You are the top pimps! Congrats!