This is what Thien Kim has come up with and I'm excited to
get started. Will post about what I'm reading now soon (hint: it's #10 on this
2016 Diversity Reading Challenge Checklist:
- Contemporary book with a person of color on the cover (set in present day)
- Historical fiction about marginalized group (due to race, ethnicity, gender, mental ability, physical ability)
- Book in which character suffers from mental illness
- Graphic novel featuring protagonists of color
- Book written by or about someone with spectrum disorder
- Romance novel with main character of color
- Book of poetry by LGBT writer
- Science fiction or fantasy with female main character of color
- Book in which a main character has a physical disability
- Memoir or biography by or about a diverse author
- Book with a main character who is mixed race
- Novel with an LGBT main character
What qualifies as a diverse book?
Diverse books include books about or written by (but
not limited to) LGBTQIA, people of color, gender diversity, people with
disabilities*, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities.