
52 Poems: Week 22 Conception

At Beckie and Gearin's nuptials,
you were there with Gray and Lucas.
If you have been on this ride with us for a while, you know the journey to Kiara started way back in 2009. I wrote a post, Fertile Soil, about the miscarriage which had me worried about getting pregnant again. And if you do the math, Kiara, born in 2012, took quiet some time. I wrote an update in 2010 and then finally announced good news in 2011. And once Kiara arrived, that journey to get pregnant faded away, until we started trying again. Yep, we're trying again. Wish us luck. Here's a poem from my collection about a piece of that journey. A Life in Revision: Reflections on Motherhood.


I wish it was more magical,
more an experience of the earth,
a spontaneous moment of passion
between your mother and father
on a tropical vacation during summer break.

Instead, your conception, the beautiful moment
when the egg and sperm collided
and cells divided forming the beginnings of you,
was a sterile miracle
in a doctor’s office on Sunset in Hollywood.

I suppose it was magical
the shots in my belly
the long freeway drive
the hollow straw
and Dr. Jabara on a holiday weekend.

Then there were the weddings we attended
with the secret of you growing in my womb
and the holiday season that passed,
all of us so anxious for your arrival.
It is magic—and miracle.
You are here.

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